Personality Matters Blog

Posted 20 July 2017 by
Global Marketing

Using Personal Assessment Tools to Chart Your Path [Video]

What do you truly want to be when you grow up, regardless of where you are right now? Or how would you rather be earning a living? To find a career path, and ultimately a job that suits your interests and values, career counselors nationwide offer personality assessment tools such as the Strong Interest Inventory and the SuperStrong. In "Going Strong," professional development experts (Catherine Rains, Karen Gonzalez, Darrell Mockus and Chris Mackey) explore how and why these assessmen...

Posted 13 December 2016 by
Global Marketing

MBTI® Users Conference—Creating a Culture of Clarity / It’s Not Meant to Be Predictive

And finally, Patrick Kerwin shared the criticism that the MBTI® tool is not predictive of behavior. Guess, what? It’s not meant to predict behavior. Instead, the MBTI tool is about giving us some understanding around how we take in information (Perceiving processes of S-N) and make decisions (Judging processes of T-F). Isabel Briggs Myers called this “clearer perceptions” and “sounder judgments.” If you try to apply the MBTI tool beyond that, you are oversteppin...
