Two Perspectives on Conflict – Using the MBTI & TKI Assessments Together to Find Deeper Insights

Two Perspectives on Conflict – Using the MBTI® & TKI® Assessments Together to Find Deeper Insights

Conflict can be challenging. But the more resources you have to understand it (and work through it) the better you can manage it!

When you need to understand how individuals approach and respond to conflict, the TKI assessment offers an invaluable conflict mode model. On the other side, the well-known MBTI assessment explores conflict from the perspective of type preferences, giving you another way to consider conflict situations.

But what do they offer when you use an integrated approach, pulling from both vantage points to better understand, avoid, and work through conflict?

Watch this webinar to:

  • Learn about the unique benefits of the TKI and MBTI assessments when it comes to conflict
  • Explore how our MBTI preferences “flavor” our TKI conflict modes and responses
  • Actionable tools & tips to use in conflict training and response

Marta Koonz, PhD - Principal Consultant and Certification Faculty at The Myers-Briggs Company - explores how to successfully integrate the MBTI and TKI assessments to better manage conflict and find deeper insights for all involved.

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