Research into type neurodivergence and neurodiversity
Research into type, neurodivergence, and neurodiversity
Drawing on data from over 1,000 people, this study looks at differences in workplace experiences between neurodivergent and neurotypical people, and at how personality type and demographic factors such as gender and age relate to neurodivergence. The research also investigated how completing the MBTI® assessment and receiving feedback had been useful or counter-productive for neurodivergent people.
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Neurodiversity Research: Using the MBTI assessment with neurodivergent people
Using data from MBTI practitioners, this study draws on their experiences of using the assessment with neurodivergent people. It shows how often practitioners are likely to come across different forms of neurodivergence, what issues or concerns they may come across, and what strategies and resources they found useful. The findings have been used to update our guidance for using the MBTI assessment with neurodivergent people.
Download the Neurodiversity Research: Using the MBTI assessment with Neurodivergent people