Leveraging Technology to Increase Student Persistence

Leveraging Technology to Increase Student Persistence

Leveraging technology to increase student persistence

College and university counselors and support staff have more on their plates than ever before. And student persistence has become an increasingly growing problem for post-secondary institutions as students flounder in their major choices, incur stress from all sides, and are dropping out at ever-increasing rates.

How can schools figure out which tools will increase student persistence while also easing the workload of student support staff?

Download the newest ebook from The Myers-Briggs Company, 'Leveraging Technology to Increase Student Persistence,' to get:

  • A detailed checklist of core features to look for when evaluating career readiness solutions
  • Info on how to increase student persistence within your student population
  • An introduction to how personality and interest assessment tools can help students with career exploration and transferable skills
  • What "bonus" features some platforms offer that go beyond the basics to help students prepare for the future

Fill out the form below to download the free ebook today.