MBTI® Users Conference—Creating a Culture of Clarity / It Is Reliable

Posted 08 December 2016 by
Global Marketing

Patrick addressed that the criticism that the MBTI tool isn’t reliable all tracks back to one article published in 1993, before the current form was even published. Data show that test-retest reliability for the MBTI tool is actually very good. When people get a different result on the assessment from one time to the next, it is usually because they reported “slight” the first time. With a result of “slight,” you could have answered just a few questions differently and reported toward the opposite preference. However, looking at that psychometrically, usually that’s just a few points difference, which is actually very good reliability.

One critic of the assessment claimed that he took it one time and reported INTJ, and then took it again and reported ESFP (the exact opposite type). Our data show that this only happens when a person is not taking the assessment seriously or is purposely trying to get opposite results. The MBTI tool is not meant to trick you. But if you know enough about the theory, you know what the questions are getting at. That is one reason why we don’t suggest taking it over and over again.

If you want to delve deeper, look at something called internal consistency reliability. For the MBTI tool, these numbers are excellent with different age groups and ethnicities, and by gender. Click here to check out some interesting reliability and validity data.

Want to read more about the Users Conference? Check out my previous blogs in this series:

