Be Better at Managing Conflict Under Stress

Be Better at Managing Conflict Under Stress

Join CPP and our expert presenters Dr. Ralph Kilmann, co-author of the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI) and CEO of Kilmann Diagnostics, and Dr. Sarita Bhakuni, licensed psychologist, organizational development consultant, and assessment expert, to learn how to deal with conflict when you're under stress by using our trusted and reliable TKI and Myers-Briggs® (MBTI®) assessments.

Tapping their many years of diverse experience, Drs. Kilmann and Bhakuni will discuss how to:

  • Recognize the relationships between conflict and stress, and stress and performance
  • Determine the best strategies for carefully choosing the most appropriate conflict styles
  • Use different conflict styles with different stress levels to become more resilient
  • Discover how using the TKI and MBTI tools can strengthen you and your organization by helping you handle conflicts and stress effectively

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